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« Hey all! | Main | Sock FO's »



Yay! Welcome back! We've missed you. I'm so glad Miss Gabby's tumor all got excised. I will be thinking healthy thoughts for her.


Oh. I like that pattern.


It's wonderful to see you 'back' and to hear good news for Miss Gabby, too!!!


Hi!!! I'm so glad you are feeling better and that Gabby is on the mend too. Great socks!


Glad that Gabby will be ok and you're doing good too! Lovely socks!


Hi there! Glad to see you back and doing better! Also glad to hear that Gabby should have a nice long life. ;o)

Amanda Cathleen

glad to hear that Gabby is ok! And its wonderful to see you back. Your socks are bea-ut-iful! Summer went by so quickly!


Welcome back my friend. Glad that you are feeling better and so glad that Gabby is doing better too. Looks like it has been a sock summer for both of us!! That pair is beautiful!


Those are nice socks. I've not yet tried socks but they are on my list!


Hey Kel! Glad you (and Gabby) are doing better. Jean and I are so looking forward to heading to Rhinebeck with you in a few weeks--hope you are up for it! ;)

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